The Ten Commandments

Let us take a minute and diagnose the Ten Commandments. Since their is no scripture written about any of them in a book we will take this opportunity to examine them one by one.

“Though shall have no other gods before me.”

In this day and age, it is quite evident that there is a tendency among individuals to disregard societal norms and moral guidelines. Many contemporary individuals exhibit a proclivity towards the veneration of entities other than conventional deities, including the perplexing phenomenon of the so-called “santa madre.” It is indeed remarkable that in this context, where “santa” signifies saint and “madre” denotes mother, the conflation of these terms has resulted in an unusual form of reverence. A genuine Santa Madre, by definition, embodies the image of a virtuous and divine maternal figure, rather than an malevolent one. The current generation appears to experience significant difficulty in discerning between what is truly good and what is inherently bad. It is almost as if the prevailing beliefs and inclinations tend to gravitate towards malevolence.

In ancient history, people crafted false gods out of precious materials such as gold and bronze, attributing divine powers and significance to these figures. It’s intriguing to draw parallels between this ancient practice and the modern phenomenon of idolizing celebrities. Today’s generation often elevates celebrities to a god-like status, mirroring the reverence and adoration directed towards the false idols of the past. This comparison sheds light on the pervasive nature of idolization throughout human history, demonstrating how a similar pattern manifests in different societal contexts.

The concept of false prophesying can be observed in various spheres of contemporary life, particularly in the realm of politics, entertainment, and sports. Politicians sometimes make promises or predictions that are not fulfilled, akin to false prophecies. Similarly, actors and actresses can be seen as purveyors of false personas, projecting an idealized image that may not align with reality. Even in the realm of sports, the hero-worship of athletes can veer into the territory of idolizing individuals beyond their purely human capabilities.

This enduring pattern of idolization and false prophecy underscores the timeless human inclination to seek larger-than-life figures to admire and emulate, as well as the consequent disillusionment when these figures fail to live up to their elevated status. It provokes thought on the impact of societal values and the allure of myth-making in shaping our collective consciousness, across cultures and epochs.


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